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Nov 20, 2018

R. Christian Minson is currently the resident Director of the Breathwork Program at Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. His credentials include: International Speaker, Best-Selling Contributing Author, Trainer, Coach and Founder of Breathflow Wellness, a transformational holistic health business. Christian also spent 10 years as a monk, meditating and serving in search of the deeper meaning of life. Now he helps others achieve greater spiritual and emotional intelligence by integrating trauma, releasing limiting habits, managing emotions, and teaching others to find meaning in their own lives and work. Christian delivers inspiration and practical real-world tools that result in lower levels of stress, greater emotional awareness, and higher levels of fulfillment and performance.
Christian shares his message and techniques through speaking engagements, 1-on-1 sessions, and public seminars. He has reached thousands of people across the globe, including Europe, Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica, and all over the USA. He has presented at conferences, universities, churches, retreat centers, and the Chopra Center. 
Facebook Profile: R Christian Minson
Facebook Page: Inhale Life/Breathflow/R Christian Minson
Instagram: Christian_Minson
Youtube: R. Christian Minson